With our Premium Plus plan, you can protect as many pets as you like for one low monthly cost. If you get another pet after your initial order, or you couldn't fit them all in the first time around, follow these instructions to get more Crumb tags.
Log into your owner's dashboard
Head over to our Login Page and log in using the Magic Link which is sent to your registered email inbox. You can click the button labelled "Order More Tags" and indicate how many more pets you're adding to your account.
Navigate to the Pets tab
Once logged in, navigate to the "Pets" section on the left-hand side of the dashboard. This centralized hub allows you to view and manage all the pets associated with your Crumb account.
Scroll to the bottom of the Pets tab
By scrolling to the bottom of this page, you will see a button labelled "Order More Tags"
Select "Order More Tags"
Here you can select how many extra tags you need and enter the name of your pet(s).
Once you submitted this additional information, you can then click "Complete Order".
Wait for the new tag to arrive
Your pet's new tag will be dispatched right away. As soon as it arrives, you can activate the tag by scanning the instructions that will be in the same envelope as the tag.